• Open Reflux COD Digesters

    Open reflux COD digesters can be operated over a wide range of temperatures and organic loading rates, making them adaptable...
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  • Rapid Fiber Analyser

    Optimize results with the Rapid Fiber Analyzer. Transforming Fiber Analysis for Ease, Speed and Accuracy with Advanced Fiber Bag Technology
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  • Quanta Pro/ Quanta Promax

    The Quanta Pro and Promax series of UV visible spectrophotometers are powered with high sensitivity, accuracy, and reproducibility Applications finds...
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  • Moisture Analyser

    Embrace perfection with Moisture Analyser . The definitive solution for moisture testing for industry leaders
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  • Soxhlet Apparatus

    Soxhlet Apparatus for Fat Estimation.Delivering classical solutions with modernized approach for fat extraction
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